Thursday, December 20, 2007

gah... before christmas

Well, the weekend started off good. Until it got to Saturday evening, when a visit to the hospital was necessary (after discovering my urine had turned to a nice port colour). After a series of tests and lots of waiting, was finally allowed to go home on Sunday afternoon.

By Monday afternoon, I had excruciating pain in my back, lower right side. Another trip to the hospital, waiting, waiting, waiting. This time I was put on a saline drip and given antibiotics (by drip). I should have been put on antibiotics on Sunday, but the symptoms of a urinary tract infection or possibly kidney stones (which the ultrasound didn't show) hadn't shown up properly (so I was deemed a-symptomatic) .

By Monday evening, the results were back and the diagnosis given (as above). I finally got to go home on Tuesday early afternoon. Thankfully, was given the rest of the week off work (in what would have been my last week of work before Christmas) to recuperate.

So now I am back to a relatively normal state, as normal as a 7-month swelled belly can account for.

Friday, December 14, 2007

$%!#* plumbers!

Stupid plumber never arrived at all yesterday. Didn't bother to call either.

Took the day off work, too.

Very poor customer service.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Today marks 30 weeks of gestation... which means 10 more weeks (or thereabouts) or 70 days (or thereabouts). everyone comments how quick it's been, but it doesn't feel like that to me!

Had yet another blood test last saturday, to test for iron levels/deficiency. heard back from the doctor's clinic today that it was perfectly normal. So that's yet another relief. It's been strangely comforting that (touch wood) everything has been going so well. No morning sickness, no gestational diabetes, no iron deficiency, no problems with blood pressure. The only complaint is the heartburn, but that comes and goes.

Stomach is getting bigger and harder. Doesn't take much to prompt movement from the baby. No odd cravings either, come to think of it.

Ok, that's enough of obligatory gestation talk.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


I like being a homebody.

Right now, the boy is watching a dvd and the zucchini slice is ready to come out of the oven. There's another load of washing (this time, whites) to go out on the line and the smell of baked goodies is wafting through the house.

Life is sweet.

Friday, December 7, 2007

keeping it short

to clarify:

i'm pregnant with first child, but this blog won't necessarily become a progress report on how the gestation is going. There will occasionally be the odd post about it though.

i'm married. 2 years in January. I'm not going to share the wonders/delights of married life in this blog either, although I may occasionally post about it.

i still live in the town I grew up in. I'm not going to sell the town in this blog, although I may post about it.

yes, it's a quote

This is yet another attempt at blogging.

The title says it all. It summarises the intent of this blog. Yes, it's a quote from one of my favourite tv series - Spaced. Instead of flowery, descriptive, non-ending blog entries, 'skip to the end' fast forwards us to The Point of the entry. Please refer to, or purchase and watch religiously, Spaced to understand its delivery.

That, and I hate writing lots. I end up sounding naff and hating what I wrote.