Tuesday, September 23, 2008

roly rory

Rereading my last point - there's one thing quite clear. No sooner had I written that not much happens, Rory starts rolling! Well, rolling to the right from his belly to his back. Still babbling quite a bit and using his talent of blowing raspberries to make it quite clear when he's bored, when he's had enough of *that* food thankyou, or when he's tired.

He had a food-related tantrum today - trying to get to eat some swede (on the last day of the new-food-3-day-trial routine) which he refused to. So I mixed in some pumpkin. Wasn't having any of that. Finally ended up feeding him leftover apple/mango combination and banana and he was satisfied. I'm not surprised he's not keen on swede, we don't eat it now and I'm still not a fan of it, even as an adult. I wonder how he'll go with the parsnip?

Booked him in for swimming lessons with the rest of the mother's group yesterday, that starts on 9th Oct - the day we fly to Qld. But we'll rejoin them after we get back. Should be good, considering how much fun Rory has in the bath at the moment.

In other baby news, heard from Corey that Daniel & Kylie had their baby, a girl, this morning. No news on name or weight, but should hear more about it soon.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

the week that was ... not very exciting

Not a great deal has happened over the last week. So here's a quick wrap of happenings and thoughts from the previous week and the first half of this week:

  • Rory's new 'tricks' include grabbing his feet and rolling to the right (not to the left, as yet), blowing rasperries, chatting a lot when he's tired and (today) sticking his tongue out all the time. He had a checkup with the maternal health nurse - he now weighs 10.5kg!
  • Progress on the shed has stopped momentarily, given Corey's workload (he barely got much of a weekend at all), but I think the concrete will be happening on Saturday, whilst I'm at a brigade shopping tour.
  • Mother's Group was at our place the previous Tuesday, and at Carter's place this Monday gone, as a couple of the mums (+ babies) are going to a sleep/settling class down in Rosebud. Jake and his Mum have now moved back to Tasmania, so it'll just be the four mums-and-babies at mothers group from now on.
  • In baby news: Received a thankyou card from Michelle and her bubby Kiara - thanks very much, it's quite pretty! Mark & Lisa had a baby boy - Cody, and Donna and her hubby had a little girl named Molly. Still waiting to hear from Philippa, who's baby is due any day now.
  • Trying to get a few odd jobs done - finish off the brigade annual report, do some sewing for mum, finish off that "cheats" quilt... would be nice to have time to do it in more than 2-hour blocks, but considering, I'm more than lucky to be able to get Rory down for that amount of time anyway. So I guess I shouldn't complain too much.
  • Gym is still going well - had a weigh-and-measure done - since I've started, I've lost 11 kg! Given Rory's weight now, I've practically lost a baby! :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

guinness is good...?

For some years now, I've always thought I'd like to read the biography, (diaries by, even) of Alec Guinness. For some reason he seemed to be the quinntessential English gent. So I'm reading the only "official" biography of him, by Piers Paul Read. So far, it's painted quite a picture of the knight, and quite different to what my original thoughts were. Only 2/3 of the way through and will be glad when I'm finished it... Am getting a bit put off by the subject matter, and feel incredibly sympathetic to his son and wife (dec.), and what they had to put up with.